May 21, 2015
Getting NEW glasses!
Purchasing NEW eyewear always makes me a little nervous, mainly because whatever you select is going to be your NEW "look" for the next year or more. So you don't want to screw THAT up! I wonder what people would do if I somehow managed to forge a pair of x-ray specs (not with actual x-ray powers because, of course, THAT just isn't possible) fitted with my current prescription? Could you imagine going everywhere in those, and the looks you'd get? It would probably only be fun for about 15 minutes... or until the ladies stopped running and screaming. Evidently, I think of everyday life being much like a cartoon. But I digress.
Turns out that after enduring the eye exam, looking at/trying on just about all of my frame choices, AND a very annoying saleslady, I wound up having just the new lenses put in the same frames I've been wearing for the last 4 years! That's me, always on the new cutting edge of fashion... NOT! But, you see, nothing else compared to how nice my old frames still look on me, so I know I actually made the wisest decision. Not to mention the fact that I saved about another $300 dollars that way.
The lesson to be learned here, kids: If it ain't broke, don't fix it!
May 5, 2015
Knowledge is Power: Cinco de Mayo!!
Ever wonder what Cinco de Mayo is REALLY celebrating? Contrary to what many may believe, it isn't just an excuse to party and get drunk off your (jack)ass. And it isn't Mexico's Independence Day, either (that's on September 16th). What the holiday DOES happen to be is a celebration of the Mexican army's victory over French forces at the Battle of Puebla on May 5th, 1862, under the leadership of General Ignacio Zaragoza Seguin.
The victory was a significant morale boost to the Mexican army and the Mexican people at large. It also represented a great symbolic victory for the Mexican government and bolstered the resistance movement. But above all, it helped establish a much-needed sense of national unity and patriotism.
Other reasons the Battle of Puebla was important include the fact that the 4,000 Mexican soldiers were greatly outnumbered by the well-equipped French army of 8,000 that had not been defeated for almost 50 years. And, since the Battle of Puebla, no country in the Americas has subsequently been invaded by any other European military force. Now, THAT'S certainly something worth celebrating!
So now that you know the REAL reason behind all of the colorful, drunken frivolity, have a Happy Cinco de Mayo, everyone!!
battle of puebla,
cinco de mayo,
knowledge is power,
April 29, 2015
SOUND + VISION: 'Ghost Town' by Adam Lambert
You all remember Adam Lambert, right? He was the runner-up on the 8th season of American Idol in 2009. Well, he's done quite nicely for himself ever since, having released 2 studio albums (about to release his 3rd this coming June, titled 'The Original High') and having toured as the lead singer for Queen.
This music video is for the first pop single from that much anticipated 3rd studio album and it's called 'Ghost Town'. It's an interesting combination of slow, pensive lyrics and a thumping dance floor beat during the catchy chorus. It's really fun, check it out!
P.S. - No, you're not imagining things... Madonna ALSO has a single and video out now that goes by the same name, but I assure you it's merely coincidence. An odd coincidence, but coincidence just the same.
adam lambert,
american idol,
ghost town,
music video,
sound + vision
April 27, 2015
My friend Matt was over the other day and suggested that we watch a fun, campy show that he had recently discovered via the internet (or something like that). The show is called 'Danger 5', and it is really fresh, funny, and different. Here's a little background on the project: 'Danger 5' is an Australian action-comedy series which first premiered on an Australian national public television network back on February 27, 2012. It's a bizarre 1960s interpretation of World War II that follows a group of five international spies on a mission to kill Adolph Hitler. And that's only where the hilarity begins because the show is just so chock-full of oddity (clearly influenced by the world of Sid and Marty Kroft) that you're sure to be simultaneously laughing AND scratching your head in a "WTF is going on here?" sorta way.
To give you an example of just how kooky things get, here's an official plot synopsis of one of the episodes titled 'Lizard Soldiers of The Third Reich':
American GIs are being decimated by Nazi dinosaurs all over the Western front. Danger 5 heads to Belgium to investigate and has a series of close shaves with a trigger-happy Triceratops and a perverted Nazi Pterodactyl. Claire discovers that the dinosaurs have all been implanted with a mysterious type of crystal, native to Antarctica and Danger 5 embark on a journey to the South Pole. Antarctica proves to be a lost plateau of prehistoric wonder where Danger 5 encounter the bizarre Dr. Josef Mengele and his sinister volcano base filled with Nazi dinosaur minions.
Does THAT give you a clear enough idea of the silliness level they're operating on? Speaking of silly, you should see the guy that portrays Hitler. Well, here you go, take a look below...
And here are yet some more stills from the crazy show...
Trigger-happy Triceratops
Here's aiming at you, kid!
Leader of the '5', known as Chestbridge (or "The Colonel")

Don't ask me! I haven't seen this episode yet...
Clearly, a Nazi Dog.
Clearly, a Nazi Nun?
April 19, 2015
Movie Moments: 'Cirque du Soleil: Worlds Away'
Do you like Cirque du Soleil? I sure do. In fact, I've seen about 3 of their LIVE touring shows as well as this here beautiful movie. I know that's not really very much, but, then again, I didn't say I was a full-on Cirque FANATIC. I guess that you'd say I'm more of an average, casual fan. At any rate, the bottom line is I really enjoy their shows. I mean, talk about your eye-candy! Cirque has it in spades! However, if you're not very familiar with this mystical world of colorful theatrics and extraordinary talents, 'Worlds Away' is just the perfect place for you to start.
You see, the story simply begins with a pretty young lady who's entranced by an aerialist at the circus. Then, just when she has seemingly befriended the flying young man, they suddenly fall into the dreamlike universe of Cirque du Soleil and are separated. Then they must travel through the many different tent worlds to try and find each other. And that's how the viewer gets a perfect sampling of what Cirque is all about because each tent represents a different one of their themed LIVE shows. But by no means are ALL of their shows displayed because, to date, they've expanded to more than 19! And about 5 of them, alone, are currently showing in different places around Las Vegas. It's really quite a phenomenon, if you ask me.
Did I happen to mention that there are NO animal acts involved? None in the movie and none in ANY of their shows. It's nice and refreshing, not to mention a lot more humane. Anyway, I enjoyed 'Worlds Away' quite a lot. It really captures the wonder and spectacle that is Cirque du Soleil. However, just know that seeing it on screen (or your TV) is NOTHING at all like the excitement you get seeing it LIVE. Even though when it was being shown in theatres it was presented in 3D, it just couldn't possibly compare to the LIVE experience. So if you ever get the opportunity to see one of the shows, grab it! You won't be sorry. But in the meantime, check out this film; it's absolutely magnificent.
cirque du soleil,
cirque du soleil: worlds away,
movie moments
April 16, 2015
Coming Attraction: 'Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens'
Here it is!! The long awaited 2nd movie trailer for 'Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens' is finally here for our eager eyes, and it looks SO good! Lots of exciting things take place within. Go ahead, take a look... You know you want to.
coming attraction,
movie trailer,
star wars
Long time... No blog.
It was officially 2 years, last month, since I last posted ANYTHING at all here. Can you believe that?! Well, I'm sure that you can if you happened to pop into the tent at all in the last 24 months only to find that the circus was dark. So, "Why?" you ask. I wish I knew an easy answer to that. But I guess the simplest answer would have to be that I pretty much just burned-out on the whole blogging thing. And if I don't feel a passion for something, I really DON'T want to do it. You know? Plus, I'm sure that my clinical depression hasn't helped either. However, now I am happy to report that the passion I once had HAS returned! And I'm ready to SHARE, SHARE, SHARE! (Cher?)
So know that if you're reading this here lil' post, and you haven't completely given up on me, there'll be MANY, MANY more to follow. See you soon...
Ringmaster Anthony
P.S. - Like the NEW light-up sign? I had it made custom for me, and I must say it really is helping with motivation! It just makes me HAPPY whenever I see it. Thanks again, Anjanette at American Vintage Designs!
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