May 21, 2015

Getting NEW glasses!

Purchasing NEW eyewear always makes me a little nervous, mainly because whatever you select is going to be your NEW "look" for the next year or more. So you don't want to screw THAT up! I wonder what people would do if I somehow managed to forge a pair of x-ray specs (not with actual x-ray powers because, of course, THAT just isn't possible) fitted with my current prescription? Could you imagine going everywhere in those, and the looks you'd get? It would probably only be fun for about 15 minutes... or until the ladies stopped running and screaming. Evidently, I think of everyday life being much like a cartoon. But I digress.

Turns out that after enduring the eye exam, looking at/trying on just about all of my frame choices, AND a very annoying saleslady, I wound up having just the new lenses put in the same frames I've been wearing for the last 4 years! That's me, always on the new cutting edge of fashion... NOT! But, you see, nothing else compared to how nice my old frames still look on me, so I know I actually made the wisest decision. Not to mention the fact that I saved about another $300 dollars that way.

The lesson to be learned here, kids: If it ain't broke, don't fix it!


  1. ... and you look MAHvelous. ;)

    1. Why, thank you, husband! (Even though you're paid to say that.)

  2. I agree with you - sometimes sticking with what works best is a smart choice.


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