This November 22nd, 2010,
Annie Lennox will be releasing her first Christmas album titled,
'A Christmas Cornucopia'. The album features Ms. Lennox's unique and personal interpretations of some of her favorite Christmas carols as well as a completely new, original composition entitled, 'Universal Child'.
Here's what Ms. Lennox had to say, regarding the album:
“I’m absolutely delighted to be working with Island Records on my upcoming recording,” stated Ms. Lennox. “This album is something I’ve wanted to do for many years. It’s a true labour of love, and I feel very fortunate to be in partnership with such a cutting edge team, especially when I’m at a stage in my creativity when I want to diversify, and pursue my passion in my own individual way. I’ve never been part of a “mold,” and Island are really supportive and appreciative of where I’m coming from. I want to make timeless music that people will love in many years to come...and I’d like to think that 'A Christmas Cornucopia' is going to be of those recordings.”I don't know about you, but this is
very exciting to me! After all, this takes both Annie and Christmastime, two of my
favorite things, and rolls them into one! What's not to love about that?? I've long imagined the awesome possibilities for such a winning combination. Now, I'll finally get to see and
hear it come true! This is very
good news. Very
good news, indeed!
~ Image and info via official Annie Lennox facebook page ~