August 31, 2010

Art Attack!: Dadadreams UPDATE

I just wanted to share with all of you this nice token of Michelle Lanter's (aka Dadadreams) appreciation that I recently received. She sent it as a "Thank you" for an earlier post I did exclusively featuring her and several examples of her unique body of collage artwork.

I'm pretty sure the collage piece is simply titled, 'Elephant Girl'. I totally adore her, and she's a great addition to the growing circus family around here!

What do you think? Pretty cute, huh?!

Thanks, again, Michelle! You're a cut ('n' paste) above the rest!


  1. You're more than welcome, Anthony! I'm so glad you love Elephant Girl. I know she'll be very happy living with you. Just be sure to feed her lots of circus peanuts. :)

  2. I love this image! Bizarre and cute. :)

  3. Don't worry, Michelle. I'll take good care of little Miss Ellie Phant!


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