That's pretty fun! I can totally see why it gets Anthony's stamp of approval, with the stylish set and the retro feel, the sassy dancing... I'm kind of impressed at how those dudes manage to pull off dancing with pink umbrellas and not look like sissies. I would totally look like a sissy. A sassy sissy.
I'm an adult who isn't the least bit ashamed of my love for toys. I also enjoy board games, art, music, photography, laughter, and just about any good old-fashioned circus. But I really dig pop culture, and that's the main reason I do this blog. I hope that you enjoy the show and come back once in a while to see what's new!
I've got your button, right here! Please, feel free to copy and use as a link from your own blog. I'm sure it would just look terrific!
Now see, this nice little girl totally "gets it"! And she also proves a point that I feel very strongly about. I believe children are born completely innocent, with open hearts and open minds. Then, as a child grows and encounters more of their surrounding world, he or she just accepts things and people as they are because the child isn't aware of any reason to feel differently. Unless, of course, they have ignorant, narrow-minded parents who raise them to view our world with hatred and discrimination...
You've gotta check this out! Awkward Family is such an entertaining website, and real addictive! We ALL probably have at least one or two awkward photos like this in our albums, right?! Click on the "happy" family above for more fine examples of visually documented discomfort...
... and visit my husband's website! He's both a writer AND an artist! He's Tommy Kovac!
Strap on your moon boots and hop in the time machine 'cuz you're gonna be taken on a trip!
That's pretty fun! I can totally see why it gets Anthony's stamp of approval, with the stylish set and the retro feel, the sassy dancing... I'm kind of impressed at how those dudes manage to pull off dancing with pink umbrellas and not look like sissies. I would totally look like a sissy. A sassy sissy.