February 26, 2012

Coming Attraction: NEW Madonna album, 'MDNA'

March 26th, 2012 is the magic date, everyone! Mark your calendars, tie a string around a finger, write it across your forehead, do whatever you have to... For that is the day Madonna's NEW album drops, and you don't want to be left out, do you?? This is exciting stuff, people! Have I ever mentioned that I'm a BIG Madonna fan? Well, I am. Aaand it turns out that rumors were right about the William Orbit collaborative reunion, not on the entire album, but a good portion. So I'm quite happy about that, as well!

The top image is, I believe, the standard cover and the second image is an alternate (perhaps for the deluxe edition?). That might be totally backward, so don't quote me. Anyway, I think they're both stunning images. But then, with Madonna as your model, how could you NOT end up with something so striking and beautiful? By the way, have I mentioned that I'm a BIG Madonna fan?


  1. Yes, dear, I KNOW you're a big Madonna fan. ;) I admit I do like that new single. As a guilty pleasure, you understand. But I think, image-wise, that she should embrace her age now, and pose with knitting needles and a lap blanket, wearing reading glasses. She could do it in her underwear, I guess. With young gay backup knitters.

    1. Tommy, "young gay backup knitters" is priceless! Of course, you know that if Madge were to actually pose with knitting needles, she'd have to do SOMETHING a bit suggestive with them...like poke them into certain orifices. And when that got boring she could perform fellatio on a yarn dildo.

  2. I do like the images, although you know I'm not a Madonna fan. I am, however, appreciative of William Orbit, as you also know, so I'll permit you to play some of these choons when it comes out.

    1. Matt, I look forward to torturing you with new Madonna tunes, especially the ones that "Billy Bubble" helped craft!


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