July 4, 2011

This made me giggle...

It really doesn't take much to tickle my funny bone, especially if it's the slightest bit suggestive, like this 4th of July greeting, here. Can you blame me?

Have a Happy, Safe and Sane 4th of July, everyone!

Oh, and "Happy 40th Birthday" to my dear husband! May you have at least 40 more in excellent health and good humor! I love you!


  1. I love you, too, Anthony! You are the best husband ever. Thanks for the Pop Circus shout-out. :)

  2. Happy (late) 4th of July, Anthony! :)
    And I wish luck to your hubby.

    I must confess I giggled a bit too seeing that pic! Is it really supposed to be innocent? Seriously, even the strategic place where he holds it in place indicates something else!

  3. Hey, Finn!
    Thanks for the birthday luck to Tommy. We threw him quite a party. It was pony-themed because Tommy just loves 'My Little Pony' and such (Yes, believe it or not, he just turned 40). The best part was we had a REAL pony make a guest appearance! Her name was Sugar and she had purple painted hooves. Certainly the party highlight!

    I know, that pic makes me think, "Is that a firecracker in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me? ;)


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