March 3, 2011

Photo 'a Go Go!: Even MORE of my 365project

Hello, everybody! It's time, once again, for another installment of everyone's favorite photo-viewing pastime... Photo 'a Go Go! [APPLAUSE]

Folks, it's been so long since I last shared any of my 365project photos with you that I thought I'd go ahead and torture you with some more, now. You knew I was gonna sooner or later, so I might as well, right? Thus far, I've been making a point to present my photos to you in the same order they've been taken for the project, so I figure I'll just continue on with the same method. Let's jump right in, shall we?

Happy toy [2]

I felt like I had to revisit this one, photographically.
It's just so colorful, and the first shot I took of it
for the project didn't even show the dial or the
receiver/handset! So I think I'm finally satisfied.
I think...

Verdant growth along
the old weathered fence

I've always liked this sort of juxtaposition;
something young, fresh and healthy set against
or alongside another that looks old, run-down
and has some character. I'm also happy with
the textures here, even though the fence IS
mostly out of focus.

The Great Stromboli
Marionette Show

I spent a fantastic day at Disneyland with
my husband and two of our dearest
friends. We spent 12 hours there filled
with laughter, screaming (on the rides, of
course), great food (Blue Bayou) and
even better company! It just doesn't get
much better than that.

While in Fantasyland, I spied a wonderful
window display of Stromboli's Marionette
Show from the animated Disney classic,
'Pinocchio'. Both Jiminy Cricket and
Pinocchio, himself, were also "dancing" on
the stage of this wee puppet theatre, but I
was particularly taken with the pretty little
lady, above. I'm guessing that she's
supposed to be Heidi, or a close facsimile?

Beautiful imperfection

While walking along some unusual
shop windows, I came across this
attractive copper bust and instantly
knew that it must be visually
documented. Isn't she/he lovely? I
was especially drawn to its color,
along with all of the scuffs and
imperfections. AnyTHING, or
anyONE, that shows this sort of
aging character truly IS beautiful to me...

A few of my favorite things

Since I enjoy both photography and board games
a whole lot, I thought I'd get creative and figure out
a way to combine the two subjects, visually.
And so... Voila, this was what I came up with!

My father's hippo

About a week ago, my mom dropped by to give
me something very special. It was an old porcelain
hippopotamus from somewhere around the 1950s
or '60s. But that's not why I think it's special. It
was my dad's, and he kept it on top of his bedroom
dresser. The body is hollow, so my dad mostly kept
pocket change and other odd 'n' ends inside of it.
Plus, that awesome gaping mouth was the perfect
place to rest his glasses for the night. Or, maybe,
even a few business cards from his day at work...

My dad died 21 years ago, and after all that time,
I'd completely forgotten about his hippo. That is,
until my mom just appeared with it one day, and said
I should have it. I'm quite touched that she held onto
it for all of these years.

I didn't receive this priceless knick knack with any of
my dad's old pocket change, business cards, or
ANYTHING inside. But what DID come with it was
some wonderful (temporarily forgotten) memories of
my dearly departed father.

Starship Victoria

Sinking into the plush, red velvet cushioning of
my chair in a most fearful anticipation, I stared
out through the huge, glass viewing-sphere and
watched as our magnificent spacecraft approached
the foreign surface of planet Zebulon.

1958 Murray Champion

This is a miniature reproduction of a classic,
kiddie pedal-powered car, like they had
back in the 1950s. It's made real well, too.
In fact, it has a bit of heft to it because it was
made out of some kind of heavy-duty metal.

I received it as a gift years ago and I still really
dig it! The color combo is perfect. That shade
of blue is my favorite, and I've always liked
red. If only I could shrink down to the
appropriate size in order to ride it... Just
imagine how much money I'd save on gas
AND car insurance!

"Like sands through
the hourglass..."

I'm real pleased with how this shot
turned out! I always find the seemingly
random patterns of light reflection that
you can capture within different types
of glass to be very fascinating, so I do
like that element. But the thing that
really made me giddy about this photo
was that I managed to capture lots of
individual grains of sand falling through
the center of this hourglass!
How cool is that?!

Hello, my BUZZZY bee-like friend!

I almost feel as though most of the credit for this
wonderful photo should go entirely to the magic
of serendipity. My original intent was only to snap
off a few macro shots of this dandelion, I wasn't
planning at all on trying to catch an insect in any of
my compositions. But then, as I was focusing this
shot and about to take the picture, that nice little
flower fly zoomed down into the frame only long
enough for me to press the shutter release, and then
it quickly buzzzed away! Like it was flying by, saw
what I was doing and thought, "Hey, I can help a
brotha out... I think I'll just swoop down there for a
sec and pose for the guy."

Peering 'neath the pier

I absolutely love being at the beach.
It's just about my favorite place of all, next to
Disneyland. But I don't enjoy going there to
sunbathe, or for a dip in the ocean. I just enjoy
being there and absorbing the peaceful energy.
You know, the powerful crashing waves, the
wonderful distinct smells (SOME of them), and
the unmistakable euphony of sounds (i.e. seagulls,
buoy bells and ship horns). Not to mention the
visual aspect of nature's oceanic beauty... Of
course, the only times that are best for appreciating
any of those things are either in the early morning,
or late afternoon/evening. It's pretty hard to feel
connected with the ocean's calming energies during
the middle of the day, when there's hundreds of
people sunbathing on the beach, kiddies building
sandcastles and teenagers surfing and/or boogie

I'm glad that I shot this late in the afternoon, so
nobody else was around to walk into my frame.
What you see is the underside of Balboa Pier in
Newport Beach, CA. What you don't see, thank
goodness, is me tripping and falling down in the wet
sand as waves washed over me (shortly after I took
this shot)!! Aaand, as if I hadn't suffered enough
indignity, my friend, Matt, immediately busted out
laughing! But it was okay because I laughed pretty
hard, too.


I sure hope y'all have enjoyed this latest edition of 'Photo 'a Go Go!'. Stay tuned for even MORE of them in the not-too-distant future... 'Til then, we'll see what other trouble we can get up to around here! So make sure to check back often. Bye-bye!

~ All photos were taken by Anthony (AKA antvision), and are not to be used or reproduced without written permission from me. 'Photo 'a Go Go!' dancers were found in a back alley, behind Google Images, playing Connect 4 and drinking Earl Grey tea. Clearly, they needed something to spice up their lives. ~


  1. I love seeing your photos, Anthony. You certainly are a MUCH better photographer than I am!
    The Disney marionette from Pinocchio surely looks like a Heidi to me - and I should know, right!? I love your Dad's hippo. And what a neat story. So nice that your mom saved it and gave it to you!
    Love, Heidi

  2. Wow, wonderful photos... Ahhh Newport Beach. I was so sad to see Scotty's Fish Fry turn into a Yogurt shop last time I rolled by there. =( My family was friends with Scotty for over 50 years... Knew his other business in Norco.

    And Disneyland rocks. =)

  3. Thank you, so much, Heidi!
    I'll bet you're an even better photographer than you realize, however. After all, we DO tend to be our own worst critics.

  4. Thanks, 1950's_atomic_ranch_house!
    I sure wish that I was familiar with Scotty's Fish Fry... I'm afraid to say that I've never even heard of it. But see, I'm NOT big on sea food to begin with. So that probably explains it. Chances are that I passed right by the joint all the time but NEVER even noticed it, you know? Sorry to hear that Scotty was replaced by yogurt.


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