February 6, 2011

Guilty Pleasures SOUND + VISION: 'Shampain' by Marina and the Diamonds


  1. Anthony just what I needed to finish off my weekend. How are you my friend? Hoping all is well in California? I honestly didn't fall into a ditch and disappear it only appears that way. Sending you best wishes for a great week ahead. I've got high-hopes!!

    Cheers ~ Deb

  2. Hey, Dumbwit!
    I've been pretty good, for the most part. Y'know how life can kick us around occasionally... I've just been trying to KICK BACK! ;)

    Btw, no worries about the disappearing act - I'm just as guilty of it! Life, I tell ya!! I will, however, make a point to drop by your place sometime SOON to say "Hi!" and to see what's new... :)

    Glad you enjoyed Marina and The Diamonds. They're my latest obsession!


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