February 22, 2011

"Bras and panties and briefs, oh my!"

Hey, everyone, it's time for a party! And the attire for this shindig is nothing but your skivvies, so if you'd like to peel everything else off and join the fun, go right ahead! Though, you might want to draw your blinds and curtains first...

These old ads for men's and women's unmentionables are quite a hoot to look back on nowadays. However, not only good for a hearty chuckle, they're also interesting examples of classic advertising methods. Come take a look, won't you?...

Something tells me these three
just participated in something
completely satisfying.

Ooh, la la!

See, no matter how badly you
want to rip those shorts off of
another man, you can't tear the fly!

I can't believe that's not a
vagina stitched onto the front...

Men, hide your dix
in Globe-tailored Slix!

Just place them, press them
and forget them? I'd love to
see that lady play an entire
game of tennis with those
booby cups on...

No equal for... GAY.

"Stick 'em up... and WAY out!"

Well, if it isn't a million he's feeling like,
he's obviously feeling "something"
quite special...

Now, wouldn't you say this is
taking Casual Friday just a
little too far?

That about does it for this Pantie Party, or Skivvy Soiree. I hope you all had fun! And don't forget to put your clothes back on BEFORE you re-open those blinds and curtains, unless you enjoy that sort of thing...

~ All images taken from the postcard books, 'Brief Encounters: Men's Underwear in the Classic Age of Advertising' and 'Brief Encounters: Women's Underwear in the Classic Age of Advertising'. Both published by Prion Books Limited, London. ~


  1. Anthony, these are absolutely HILARIOUS!!! Had me in stitches! I remember the "Cross Your Heart" brassiere TV commercials way back when. I believe it was actress, Rosalind Russell, who starred in those ads. But the bra was always on a bust form, she was fully clothed. No showing skin in those days on daytime TV. Hahahahaha... Love the pic above with the lady walking arm and arm with those guys in their underwear. What made me laugh is they're wearing their dress shoes and socks!!! Thanks for the chuckles!

  2. Love the Pantie Party! SO many weird things to puzzle over. The fully-dressed woman arm-in-arm with the dudes in their underwear, the horrible ruffled booby cups, the "cocktail bra" (WTF?), and of course I love all your captions. You're clever AND dirty. Oh- and the "Feel like a million" dude looks like he's a little TOO excited to be at the Pantie Party.

  3. Love the "Reliance" boxer dudes - a match made in heaven. Although I'll admit to a personal weakness for Cowgirl Maidenform - yippee kai yai yay, girlfriend!
    Nobody does vintage ads like you do, my friend :-).

  4. I'm so hysterically laughing right now. I think I broke a rib! I'll never be completely happy until I can find a bra to wear with my chaps and six-gun!

  5. The disembodied Playtex head is a scream but I must say that Jockey underwear bloke is a tad over excited to be normal.

  6. Oh God I laughed so hard :'D
    These were absolutely hilarious. I especially loved your caption "Men, hide your dix in Globe-tailored Slix!"

    And that Inter-woven sock thingy, BAHAH. Seriously!!

    I'm giving Anthony a thumbs up!


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