January 28, 2011

Who, me? I got an award?

I'm sending a great big (((HUG))) and a "Thank you!" out to Lisa, aka Tikimama, over at Atomic Tea Party for this very flattering award. It's so nice to get awards like this periodically because aside from reader comments, you really don't know how you and your blog are being received. And it just feels really good knowing that someone thinks I'm "a great read!"


  1. Well, you know you deserve it! The funny, and absolutely typical-of-me thing is that I was going through old saved posts that I'd never published, because I'd never finished them. I got that award in JULY 2009!! I finished the post and posted it, but it got dated as yesterday and must've briefly shown up in Google Reader. I edited the date, so now you have to go to the 2009 archives to find it! So, you should've had this award for 2-1/2 years by now...guess I owe you interest!

    Don't know if you've been by, but I've been updating my blog. I used that adorable and funny Gay Marriage Girl image and your current elephant banner as your blog button. I think they fit my blog's style much better than the previous images, and they look super-kitschy-cool!

  2. I just updated (again) to your new button, and it looks FAB-YOO-LOUS!! Go check it out - I love it!

  3. Thanks for trying out the new button, Lisa! I'm glad it worked right for you, and now I'll know that it should work right for anyone. You helped make my case study a success! ;)


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