November 6, 2009

My Baby Box: Yo-Yo Clown Doll

I'm digging through that old, dusty box again... The big cardboard one, with my baby toys in it. What did you think I meant?!

Anyway, today I'm sharing with you a doll that my grandmother (on my dad's side) made for me. It's what I believe is called a Yo-Yo Clown doll. See how the body is made of different pieces of fabric circles? Those are called yo-yos, and they're typically made out of unused fabric scraps.

I love this thing! And I also love picturing my grandmother Hazel creating this wonderful doll at home in her trailer park, in Hemet, California. For those who may not know, Hemet is largely like an old-folks community. At least, it used to be when I was a kid. Or did it only seem that way from my perspective? I can remember being fascinated with my grandparent's elderly neighbors, mainly because they were ALL elderly! And I enjoyed going for walks around the park with my grandma Hazel, especially so I could see all of the interesting little landscaping decorations people had out in front of their trailers. You know, like garden gnomes, squirrels, gazing balls or cactus gardens. Some even had all of that! We couldn't walk fast enough to get to those...

I can also remember being perplexed by the large Shuffleboard patio area that was right next to the swimming pool. I don't think that I ever saw anyone playing, so it remained a mystery. Speaking of the swimming pool, I always enjoyed getting to go in there during our Summer visits, but not just for the refreshing dip. I was also amused by the old bathing beauties in their skirted one-piece suits and rubber swim caps!

Boy, did I veer off course!
Let's get back to the clown doll, shall we?

Here are just a few "artsy" shots that I took, trying to create a certain mood:

Photo by Anthony at Pop Circus

Photo by Anthony at Pop Circus

That's it for this episode of 'My Baby Box'.
Stay tuned, I have more to share with you!

~All photos by Anthony at Pop Circus~


  1. Oh, I love you, Yo-Yo Clown Doll!!! With your sly sideways glance and your bell hands & bell feet! Anthony, these pictures are great. My favorite is the moody close-up. I think he's smizing. I liked reading about Hazel and her friendly old-folks neighborhood, with the rubber-capped bathing beauties.

  2. I remember these kind of dolls! Hazel sounds wonderful.

  3. Yo-Yo Clown loves you, too, Tommy!

    If only you'd let him out of the curio cabinet once in a while... Like, maybe to talk to him or play with him. Then you'd know how much your son, uh, I mean "YO-YO CLOWN", loves you!

  4. Yes, MoonDoggie, both my Grandma Hazel AND my Grandpa Bud were very wonderful people! They were quiet and reserved, but always friendly. And always smiling. I miss them a lot!

  5. I love these posts! The stories that go along with the toy are fantastic.

    I laughed out loud at Tommy's 'smizing' comment. I was going to say the EXACT SAME Thing!

  6. Thank you, Townhouselady! I'm glad you enjoy my stories. That means a lot to me.

    Pretty funny, about the "smizing" thing. Speaking of which, can you even believe how MUCH Tyra works that tired phrase of hers?! You'd think that she gets paid everytime the word "smizing" is spoken, or something! Also, did you SEE her in character (and costume) as the super hero, 'Super Smize', that one time on ANTM?! Good grief...

  7. Oh, I absolutely adore your Yo-Yo Clown Doll! He is very special. I still have the little giraffe I received for my first Christmas, and I treasure him to this day.

  8. Guess what, Heidi...
    I have a little stuffed giraffe in my baby box, too! What are the chances?

    Mine would even wind-up and play music while its neck/head moved around! But somehow the poor thing's neck broke, and now you can't even wind-up the music box part. Sad... :(

    Of course, I'll be featuring that little guy in another post, soon. :)

  9. Love me some baby box toys! This is the cutest little clown - not evil or scary at all! Your arty photos are super-fantastic. The first one reminds me of an expression I see on Miss May's face sometimes.

    I love that you had a Grandma Hazel who lived in a trailer park! Did you know about my fascination with mobile homes/parks and their unique little yards? Sure wish I could go back in time with you to hang out with Hazel and Bud and wear my old-lady swimsuit and cap in the pool!


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