September 19, 2009

Happy Music: 'Goodnight and Go' by Imogen Heap

Imogen Heap is one of my favorite artist/musicians ever. She's right up there with Annie Lennox, K.D. Lang and Madonna. One major thing that sets Imogen apart from the rest is that, in addition to using her uniquely beautiful voice, she also does just about everything else on the creation/production end of it all. She writes her own music and lyrics, plays several of her own instruments and is very involved in all of the technical aspects of producing her albums.

This English musical genius was born in London, 1977. She began playing music from an early age, and went on to be classically trained on many instruments including cello, piano, clarinet etc. By the time she was 13, Imogen was already writing music. A bit later, she wound up teaching herself music engineering, sequencing, sampling and production on Atari computers. Clearly, she was destined to one day use her multiple talents for creating amazing entertainment.

To date, Imogen has released 3 solo albums. The most recent, Ellipse, was just released this past August and I love it. I think she's one of those artist/musicians who could do almost anything and I would buy it, sound unheard. I'm that much of a believer! She was also the female half of a collaborative project known as Frou Frou, with her good friend Guy Sigsworth. So far, they've only released 1 album, Details, but Imogen has said that they will more than likely work together again, someday...

The music video I've chosen to share with you is actually from her second solo album, Speak for Yourself (which was critically acclaimed, as well as a huge success), but I picked it because it's both a great song and an even greater, eye-poppingly beautiful video. The whole visual style of it totally speaks to my own aesthetic. And, of course, watching it makes me quite happy! It's titled, Goodnight and Go.

Please, enjoy...
(After the annoying commercial!)

~Top photo of Imogen via Google Images~


  1. Wow, I LOVE that video, and it's like she made it just for YOU, Anthony. I didn't realize she was so hands-on with the creative process of her albums, which is totally great. Remember that organic foresty ensemble she wore to some awards show, with leaves and moss or something? Boring mainstream culture was too doorstop-dumb to appreciate it.
    I wish I had a special TV with a magical wind-up Anthony that I could watch anytime I wanted. Oh wait-- I have the real thing! :)

  2. Thank you, my dear!
    You KNOW quite well how much I like vintage toys, and just about anything that winds up.
    Yes, I do remember that unique ensemble Imogen wore a few years back. She was attending the 2007 Grammys in an outfit that looked as if it might have its own eco-system! She had plants in her hair, flowering lily pads on her dress, and she was even carrying the little green (fake?) frog that apparently resided in her traveling pond...

    I love such eccentricity!

  3. Well crud. I watched the Tide commercial, and learned a lot, but the music video did not play. I am enemy of all technology. I keep meaning to listen to her stuff...I like her name and her look, and I like what you said about her being so hands-on with her work. I'll try it again.

  4. Hmm, that's strange.
    It just worked for me, Julie...
    Maybe, it has something to do with your computer. You're not still using that old Radio Shack microcomputer with the modem, are you?! ;)


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