May 18, 2009

An Evening with Kathy Griffin

Just this last Saturday night, my husband and I went to see one of our favorite stand-up comediennes, Kathy Griffin. Her show was at the Orange County Performing Arts Center and the place was packed! SOLD OUT, in fact! Sort of surprising for the largely conservative O.C. when you consider the type of comedy Kathy is known for. But she's got a BIG following, obviously, and she deserves it!

Kathy also has a HUGE gay fan-base, and they certainly "came out" for the show, same as we did. I mean, they were everywhere! It was so nice to be with a crowd of our own peers for a change. Believe me, it's not a common occurrence around these parts!

Anyway, back to Kathy... She opened the show with a video montage of all sorts of different media appearances she's made, everything from bit parts on 'Seinfeld' and 'X-Files' (I know, 'X-Files'? I didn't remember that, either!) to commercials she's done, her stint as the 'Celebrity Mole', and even a role she played in a horror movie! Oh, and of course, her break-through role on 'Suddenly Susan' which I think lasted about 4 seasons. The montage concluded with clips from her T.V. reality show on Bravo, 'Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List', that was most responsible for making her a household name. I'm not entirely sure that the show's name is even accurate anymore. Is she STILL really only on the D-List? I think her popularity has bumped her up the list a bit, by now! Of course, Kathy's an "A" in my book...

The material Kathy covered was all over the map. She talked about having seen Britney lip-syncing in concert, and that led into a story about how Kathy was just "hanging out" with rapper T.I. at Roscoe's Chicken & Waffle House and how she got him to call Justin Timberlake on his cell phone. Let's see, she also talked about Oprah, and then Kirstie Alley's latest guest-appearance on Oprah's show where Kirstie talked about her weight gain since the whole Jenny Craig thing. Of course, she talked a bit about 'The Real Housewives of Orange County'. I think that she probably felt she had to since that was where she was! Tommy and I kinda "checked out" during that part because we've never watched the show. But then she went on to talk quite a lot about her 88-year-old mom, Maggie. That's ALWAYS entertaining because Kathy can't talk about her mom without impersonating her, and she's a real crack-up as her mom!

She also talked about Donald Trump and his 'Celebrity Apprentice' show. And she couldn't talk about that without mentioning Joan Rivers. Kathy really admires Joan, which makes total sense. I know I've forgotten stuff, but you get the picture! She keeps her act fresh and always has new material on the latest pop culture for each show she does. In fact, I don't know that she EVER does the same set twice. That's one of the great things about her!

If you are at all offended by curse words, you should NOT see Kathy live! She doesn't hold back ANYTHING! When she doesn't have to worry about things like the FCC, she just drops the F-bombs like it's Pearl Harbor all over again! And dirty, dirty, dirty... She's got a real potty mouth! And we just loved it!

I hope that we get out and do things like this more often because we had a great time and laughed a lot! You know what they say about laughter...


  1. I love Kathy Griffin! There is nothing off limits for her, and I love that. It is hilarious when she talks about her mother, isn't it. Did you see her New Year's Eve night with Anderson Cooper? She was great, but there were a few times when Anderson looked a little like a deer caught in headlights, not knowing what to say. It's great that you had a wonderful time.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, Anthony!

    Have a wonderful evening/night!

  2. My pleasure, Sixpence! Yes, I saw Kathy w/Anderson on New Year's. They make a great team, even if Anderson doesn't always know what to do with her! And I think that it was kinda obvious how much Anderson really digs Kathy.

  3. I freakin love Kathy!! Seeing her live is definitely on my list of things I must do!! "Oh Jesus Christ Kathryn!" lol :)

  4. Loooooove Kathy!!! I used to watch her show all the time - before kid-schedules changed. I, too, just adore how she does not filter herself and says exactly what she thinks - and I often find myself agreeing with her.

    You've missed nothing by not seeing "Housewives". I watched it once or twice maybe and it just made me mad. One of those shows where you think, "Why did I just waste some of my precious time on earth listening to these horrible, spoiled, whiny people?!"

    I remember her X-Files episode - it was really weird (aren't they all?) and she was very spooky, not funny at all. She played doppelgangers, or something. I (can't believer I'm going to admit this) used to love Suddenly Susan. But not for Brooke's boring character, for Kathy's and (shame!) forgot the actor's name, really cute funny guy who ended up committing suicide. The episode they did after that has to be one of my all-time fave t.v. moments. They used that song "Praise You" that was so popular at the time - do you remember the one?

    Next time you get tix to see Miss Griffin, you'd better include me! She's one performer I'm just dying to see live, and I think we'd have a blast together! I'm so glad you and Tommy got to go "out" and be yourselves. Like you said, not always so easy in the O.C.!
    (That just reminded me - remember the Erasure concert with the drag queens in the lobby?)

  5. Emily, do yourself a favor and MAKE SURE you see Kathy live! It was so fantastic that I've still been giggling, now and then, just remembering some of the things she said in her show!

    Tikimama, your comment was quite a tome! I totally want to see that 'X-Files' episode, now. Kathy doppelgangers = Must see T.V.!
    That WAS sad about David Strickland, the young actor on 'Suddenly Susan' that killed himself. Wish I'd seen that tribute episode.
    Btw, I'm sorry, we didn't think to invite you to Kathy's show because Tommy got the tix from a student at Oxford who had already bought them but wound up not being able to go. We sorta lucked out! Tommy DID pay the kid, of course!
    Lastly, yes, I DO remember the Erasure lobby drag queens! I guess one could call them E.L.D.Q.s, huh? I also remember the best part about them was that they were handing out candy! But I don't think we took any from them because we were taught to NEVER take candy from strangers! And they certainly were strange...

  6. David Strickland! Thanks! Can't believe I was too lazy to Google that (or it was because of one of the constant interruptions from rugrats over here). Wonder if it's on YouTube? I'm off to look....

  7. I'm so glad you got to see her in OC surrounded by actual gay folks! I love how current she is and naturally funny. Did she look teeny tiny?

  8. I saw the X-Files episode! It was surreal seeing KG on there. I was SO THRILLED, and validated, that she talked about Britney's horribly obvious hair extensions. Ever since Britney shaved herself bald, it's like the bitch can't grow her damn hair back out, and we have to keep seeing this weird shelf where the extensions start. Doesn't she have enough money to get GOOD extensions??? More people need to talk about this. Maybe form a protest movement.

  9. She is HEE-HEElarious! First timer in your blog...looks like a happy place here! Cheers to that darling! XO*

  10. Julie, yeah, we were up so high that she almost appeared like a specimen under a microscope! But it was still neat knowing that it was ACTUALLY her, way down there... And it was fun hearing her curse like a sailer uncensored, which you never get to experience unless you see her live!

    Tommy, are you EVER going to get over Britney's bad hair extensions?! That's ALL you've talked about since Kathy's show!

    Thank you, LENORENEVERMORE! I was sorta going for a happy vibe... glad you felt it. Hope you can make it back, sometime!

  11. Umm, I DO know how to spell... which means I am (now!) FULLY aware that I misspelled the word sailor, above!
    That is all.
    Carry on!

  12. I agree..I was staring at the back of a girl's head the other day and her extensions looked like a cheap doll that's been roughed know, the hair looking all funky in back. Britney...take em out.

  13. Thank you Anthony! You are so 'berry' witty!


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