April 15, 2012

SOUND + VISION: 'Heart's a Mess' by Gotye

Continuing on with my recent Gotye obsession, here's another great song and video that I think you'll like (That is, if you haven't already seen it - Like 'Thanks For Your Time', it's also been out for a few years. But, hey, it's all new to me right now!). Hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

April 12, 2012

SOUND + VISION: 'Thanks For Your Time' by Gotye

Gotye is a Belgian-Australian multi-instrumental musician/singer/songwriter whose voice has been compared to both Sting and Peter Gabriel. I just discovered him while surfing YouTube and I'm sure glad that I did. So far he's done 3 studio albums and the range of creativity expressed is quite impressive. This song is actually on the lighter, upbeat side for him, too. It's an older one, I believe from around about 2007, but both the song and video are SO fun that it seems timeless to me. Plus, considering the collage technique used in it, it's no wonder that I like it like I do! Enjoy!

April 7, 2012

Pho-TOY-graphy: Some exceptional photos of vintage Fisher-Price toys found around the internet

Photo by Dutempsaperdre78

Fisher-Price absolutely takes the cake when it comes to picking my favorite vintage toy brand. Those toys made me very happy as a child, and they still comfort me as an adult. Even just seeing them in a photograph tends to really excite me. And this li'l group of toy pics is a fine example of some that have turned me on lately...

Photo by Chris White

Photo by Lolie Jane

Photo by Cracklin Tulip

Photo by The Aunt with Gum

April 1, 2012

Naughty Bit: Madonna's 'Girl Gone Wild' video

It IS a bit naughty, but it's not really THAT bad. Is it?