November 18, 2011

Rumor has it...: Madonna & William Orbit, together again?

I am sooo excited, everyone! Rumor has it that Madonna has been working with William Orbit on her next studio album. For those who may not be familiar, Mr. Orbit also collaborated with M on her hit album, 'Ray of Light'. He's largely responsible for its unique sound throughout, and I love it. That's why 'Ray of Light' is my favorite Madonna album of all time. It's not just Orbit's contribution that I love so much, though. M actually started singing with her REAL voice about that time, and it completely shines through (like a "ray of light")! Hee-hee! Seriously, she sounds fantastic. I think it had a lot to do with where she was at the time, spiritually, emotionally, etc. She was in a good place, and when listening to the album, you can feel it.

If the rumors turn out to be true, and the new album is even half as good as their first collaboration, I will be one-happy-camper-all-a-scamper! Pass it on!