April 19, 2011

XXX peanut butter porn!

Have I ever mentioned how much I absolutely love peanut butter? Well, consider this my visual homage to that heavenly substance... Enjoy!

~ All photos via Google Images. ~

April 6, 2011

How lovely!

I woke up to a pleasant surprise this morning... My good pal Maria over at Wub2Write left me a nice message informing me that she had an award waiting for me and to go check it out. So I did, and this 'One Lovely Blog Award' was what I found! How nice is THAT?! Of course, I do share the honor with 14 other fine bloggers, but that doesn't cheapen the prestige of it one little bit.

Now, this is the part where I'm supposed to announce my 15 successors, but I don't get out much (in the blogosphere) so my 15 is actually only 9. But, hey, it's a real sincere 9! Will the following people, listed in no particular order, please stand up:

You are all hereby granted with your very own 'One Lovely Blog Award'! Congratulations! Now, sit down and shut up! Ha, ha! Just kidding! Come on everyone, let's give them a nice, big round of applause. They deserve it! And as for those of you who aren't familiar with some of these excellent blogs, please, go check 'em out. You'll be glad you did!

April 1, 2011

In case you happened to miss this...

Ke$ha - Exhibit A

Ke$ha - Exhibit B

Ke$ha - Exhibit C

Ke$ha - Exhibit D
