June 22, 2010

'Match Game', the best t.v. game show ever!

I know one thing for darn sure... There's absolutely no way I could ever deny the fact that I was a child of the seventies. I just love too many iconic things within 1970s pop culture, and I figure it's gotta be a direct result of growing up during that era.

One of the decade's more popular and iconic game shows (and easily my all-time favorite) was the star-studded, fun and risque, 'Match Game'. With show regulars Brett Somers and Charles Nelson Reilly on every episode's celebrity panel, you knew you could always count on those two for laughter inducing entertainment. And if the other 4 stars also wound up being funny, well... that was just icing on the cake! The show still runs on Game Show Network, and I discovered only recently that you can buy a 4-disc 'Best of Match Game' DVD w/30 episodes on it. The DVD has been available since 2006, so I'm currently conducting an investigation into why I wasn't properly notified of the original release date. You probably think I'm kidding, don't you? My husband could tell you a thing or two about how nutty I am for stuff like this. It absolutely drives Tommy up a wall whenever I start "talking shop" about Charles Nelson Reilly, Paul Lynde, JoAnne Worley (Aunt JoAnne!), etc. with friends who share a mutual appreciation for such groovy '70s pop culture. But that's his loss! So much of that stuff just cracks me up, from the funky fashions to the eccentric and hilarious celebrities... And the t.v. shows, natch!

Having a gay old time!

I have no idea if Brett was a real-life friend
to Charles outside of the show, but those two
got along so well that she seemed like the
proverbial hag to his imperiously prissy fag.
And I truly mean that in a good way!

They broke the mold when Charles Nelson
Reilly came into this world. Just think about
the nerve it must have taken, and the high
level of self-confidence he must've had in
order to be so freely "himself" as a television
celebrity of the day. I mean, we're talking
about 40 years ago! Granted, I'm fairly sure
he never officially came OUT of the closet,
but he certainly didn't hide in there, either!
He just was who he was. He didn't try to act a
certain way that would be considered more
socially acceptable.

He was true to himself, and you
either liked him, or you didn't. I admire
Mr. Reilly for that, neck scarf and all!

Oh, and I also happen to think he was
pretty darn hilarious!

"Write down your best answer to THIS!"

The goofily charming and witty host of
Match Game, Gene Rayburn, is obviously
caught here in one of his more playful
moods. I have no clue what he was actually
talking about. Although, we can clearly see
what it looks like...

(Psst! Get a load of that bow tie on Gene! And is
that lady wearing a dark blue denim jacket?)

"Party don't stop till the panties drop!"

Another one of my favorite celebrity panelists,
Fannie Flagg, was always upbeat and amusing.
Hearing that Southern lilt in her voice was also
quite comforting, and somehow added to her
comedic flavor.

"Hey, big boy..."

Here, feeling comfortable in its natural
environment, we see the reilly creature
caught in an act of seduction ritual
which is rarely ever witnessed by others.

"I drew a blank! Get it??"

Joyce Bulifant was one of the semi-regular celebs
that would come on and be a real hoot every
time she was on! She was a bit ditzy, she did have
that goofy voice, and she almost always gave odd
(wtf?) answers, but there was something quite
endearing about her at the same time...

He was suave and debonair,
with a nose for fashion...

I never enjoyed Richard Dawson when he
hosted The Family Feud, but I did think that
he seemed like a pretty cool cat, back on this
show! Check out those funky fab styles, too!
What must each of those have been called,
Purple Plaid Passion and Sailor Boy Chic?!

Unfortunately, it was a much bigger challenge than I had anticipated to find decent enough images online for use here in my post. And that's a bummer because I really wanted to include a few other favorite regular/semi-regular celebs in the gallery such as Betty White, Avery Schreiber, Patti Deutsch, etc. Oh, well. There certainly isn't anything stopping me from doing an update, or a revision, sometime down the road. I bet Tommy would just love that, huh? I know... if/when I do some sort of follow-up post, I'll have to dedicate it to him! Just because I can be a brat that way, once in a while [Insert Muttley's trademark wheezing snicker, here].

Now, I leave you with a little treat. It's quite a funny clip, and a fine example of the sort of uproarious antics they would get into on the show, from time to time. Have fun with it, and prepare to do some snickering of your own...

~All photos and screen captures via Google Images.~

June 8, 2010

She's quite the naughty Lady! Check out Gaga's music video for 'Alejandro'...

This sizzling HOT super star is doing a fine job of further pushing the boundaries of sex and art in entertainment, just like a certain predecessor. Only, I think that this video might even make Madonna blush!

It's really great, it's over 8 minutes long, and Miss Gaga looks fab-yoo-lous! But folks who tend to have a weak stomach for such sexual shenanigans might want to steer clear of it. It gets that sexual. To clarify, there isn't any nudity. Everything is just very suggestive through body movement and wardrobe, or lack of it.

Watch and enjoy...

~Top screen capture photo via Google Images~