I'm well aware that my love for the classic
'I Love Lucy' television show is not at all unique. I mean, isn't it like the absolute most popular t.v. sitcom of all time?! As far as I know, it's still
always playing somewhere on some t.v. channel, in some country around the world. I'm not sure of the actual statistics, but I think that 'Lucy' has been loved by
millions, if not
billions of people since the show's debut back in the 1950s! Wait, am I overestimating a bit with the billions part? I've never been good at numbers. I just know that a whole
LOT of folks have been big 'Lucy' fans over the years!
Of course, I've purchased
all 6 seasons and
all 13 Lucy-Desi Comedy Hours on DVD. I can watch them repeatedly, and
never tire of them! In fact, it's one of my favorite things to do with Tommy. We just laugh, and laugh... And it doesn't seem to matter how many times we've seen an episode. I think that's quite a testament to the show's quality. The writing, the acting, the comedy,
EVERYTHING was well-done!
It goes without saying that Lucille Ball was a comedic
genius, and she was largely responsible for the show's success, but she also had a stellar ensemble cast to both back her up and play off of. I don't think they got enough of the credit they deserved, either. A lot of the show's funny bits happened between Lucy and Ethel, especially whenever they were being catty with each other, or even in a feud and not speaking. Plus, there was always some crazy scheme of Lucy's that Ethel would get reluctantly drug into. Vivian Vance was a great actress with excellent comedic timing and delivery. Sad thing was, privately she struggled with depression. And it certainly did
not help matters any that Miss Ball insisted her female co-star be
heavier, and look
less attractive than her. Poor plump, not-as-appealing Viv...
I've always thought you were pretty. Pretty darn funny, too!
"Zorch!" "Grebbitch!""Itza moo-moo."Picking only ONE favorite 'Lucy' episode would be very hardfor me, but if my life depended on it, this might be the oneto receive that honor! It's Episode #89, titled 'Lucy is Envious'.The above still is from its classic sequence where Lucy andEthel are doing their best lady-martian impersonations atopthe Empire State Building. Their hilarious attempt to "scare"N.Y.C. tourists with this publicity stunt for an upcoming sci-fimovie ('Women from Mars') is just SO bizarrely funny andstrange, that I couldn't even imagine another comedy teamdoing it. Period.
"Lucy... You got some splainin' to do!"
Most anybody who's seen at least one episode is likely familiarwith this recurring confrontation. I like how you can obviouslysee here that Lucy's brain is working overtime to come upwith something, ANYTHING, to tell Ricky that'll get her out ofthe pickle she's gotten herself into. Who could forget Ethel's stodgy old husband, Fred? I don't remember if they ever said what the age difference was supposed to be between those two, but it always seemed to me that Fred could almost be Ethel's
father. He was such a grumpy character, too. The more I think about it, I realize Fred Mertz is probably the one character in the entire cast that I like the very
least. Mostly, I think, because he was hardly
ever nice to Ethel! In fact, Fred was always putting Ethel down, making fun of her weight and just humiliating her at every turn. I always wondered what would make a self-respecting woman stay married to an awful man like that? At least, Ethel
did shoot back some real "zinger" lines of her own, once in a while! I
do know that it was all just pretend, and that Fred was written to be that way, but it's also known that the actor, William Frawley, didn't talk to
anyone (including his co-stars) if they weren't actually filming scenes for the show. He would just arrive shortly before an episode's filming, keep to himself, perform his scenes and then leave. Needless to say, Mr. Frawley was not one to suffer small talk gladly. Or much talk at all, for that matter. Just knowing this behind-the-scenes factoid tells me he must've been a
real old, grumpy man! Wouldn't you agree?
I had no idea there were 'I Love Lucy' comic books!I wonder if Little Ricky collected them?I always liked the concept of Ricky Ricardo's character: A suave, handsome, charming and confident Cuban who also happens to be a talented bandleader that can both sing and beat a mean conga drum. Now, notice how I said I liked the
concept. Actually, I do think that Desi Arnaz represented most of those qualities pretty well, but I never have thought his voice was very good. And I can't
stand it when he sings in Spanish. Terrible of me, I know...
But I
DID like the way Ricky dressed and styled his hair!

"I love Lucyandshe loves me..."I can see why the ladies were attracted
to Desi Arnaz. But it was awful and verysad for Lucille Ball that he was such awomanizing Casanova-type in real life,and couldn't ever resist temptation.
"Babalu, Babalu,Babaluuuu Aye..."I like watching Ricky go totally nuts on his conga(bongo?) drum. He gets so into it that he's usuallyout of breath by the number's end, and his perfectlycoiffed hair becomes a total mess. That's what Icall passion!
"Yes, can I speak to a Mr. Jass?
I believe his first name is, Hugh."Often times, Lucy used the good old telephone as a toolfor her plotting & scheming. Could you imagine the sortof trouble she'd get into today, with a computer andthe internet?!
Here's a couple of funny Lucy-related toys that I found around the interwebs and thought would be fun to share... But don't fight over them, children.
My Little Lucy, My Little LucyWhat will today's adventure be?I just had to include this one for the crazed adultMLP collector in my life! You're welcome, Tommy.
Close your windows!Lock your doors!They're coming... The Dolls from Mars!These Kelly dolls totally cracked me up! What agreat idea. I'm thinking that I might actually needto have these.
My second favorite episode would probably have to be Episode #147, titled 'Lucy Gets a Paris Gown'. That's the one where they're all in Paris as part of their European vacation, and Lucy decides to go on a hunger strike until Ricky agrees to buy her a Jacque Marcel dress. Ricky ends up feeling sorry for sad, starving Lucy and gives in. Then he comes to find out that Ethel had been smuggling food in to Lucy the whole time! Well, of course, he had to get even. So Ricky and Fred get a local tailor to make a couple of wacky outfits from burlap potato sacks, and a few hats out of a horse's feedbag and a restaurant ice bucket. Then they just sewed in the Jacque Marcel labels. The funniest part was watching Lucy and Ethel strut down the Paris street like they were a couple of haute couture models, or something! Classic.
"Do you like ourJacque Marcel originals?They are the latesthigh-fashion in all of Paris."It's too bad Lucy and Ethel decided to burn these.
But then, how could they have known that the
REAL Jacque Marcel would steal their husbands'
crazy designs and pass them off as his own?
For the longest time I felt quite strongly about wanting to meet Lucille Ball just so I could give her a
BIG hug and thank her personally for all of the
laughs and
happiness she brought into my life. It never did happen, but I think Miss Ball knew how much she and Lucy Ricardo meant to the fans of
'I Love Lucy'. I just hope that, before her death, she fully understood how profound her impact was on both show business
and pop culture.
~All photos via Google Images~